Work on replacing the roof of the “Old Mill,” or “Treman’s Mill,” has proceeded rapidly and park manager Jim Brophy says it is at least 95% complete!
The Friends of Treman secured the grant funds that are the financial foundation for this project. It’s very exciting that the mill will be protected from the elements for many years to come now. The mill museum is open on weekends and we expect it to be open daily when work is complete.
The Civilian Conservation Camp Museum attached to the mill is closed at present for some structural repairs.
The mill roof replacement project was supported with funding from the NYS Park and Trail Partnership Grants and New York’s Environmental Protection Fund. Park and Trail Partnership Grants are administered by Parks & Trails New York, in partnership with the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
The Friends of Treman secured the grant funds that are the financial foundation for this project. It’s very exciting that the mill will be protected from the elements for many years to come now. The mill museum is open on weekends and we expect it to be open daily when work is complete.
The Civilian Conservation Camp Museum attached to the mill is closed at present for some structural repairs.
The mill roof replacement project was supported with funding from the NYS Park and Trail Partnership Grants and New York’s Environmental Protection Fund. Park and Trail Partnership Grants are administered by Parks & Trails New York, in partnership with the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
The original "Treman Show" is now showing.

In 2007, the Friends produced a video called “The Treman Show” all about the park, its history, natural history, and park features. As an episode of the TV series, Walk in the Park, the Treman Show won the top award for a locally produced public access television program in Ithaca in 2008. In 2020, producer Tony Ingraham repackaged the Treman Show with some additional information at the end and it has been shown on online and on Ithaca cable channel 13 each year. And now it is being cablecast again on channel 13, beginning next week at 9 p.m. Thursday June 29, plus 3 p.m. Friday, and 9 a.m. on Saturday July 1. Or, you can watch The Treman Show online anytime!
"Exploring Robert H. Treman State Park: The Enfield Glen Experience via an interactive map!"
We are slowly adding elements to a map where you can explore features of the park with pictures, explanations, and links to more resources. Take a look at it here, and play with it. Then check back in future weeks and see what's new. We welcome comments and suggestions.
Swimming at Lower Falls began this weekend. The swimming area at Robert H. Treman State Park is arguably the most beautiful in the state!
Your Membership Is Important!
Membership in the Friends of Robert H. Treman State Park costs only ten dollars a year. But it can mean a lot more than that. The Friends of Treman apply for grants to help with park projects (such as the current roof replacement at the mill), and the more members we can claim, the better we look to grantor organizations. So please, if you have not renewed your membership, or you would like to join us, by all means please do. You can download our membership brochure, or copy the essential information and send it to us with your check.